Fall Prevention Presentations

sign slippery wet caution
Fall Prevention Presentations

Summary: The good news about falls is that most of them can be prevented. We will explore some common factors that can lead to a fall and steps that can be taken to reduce your fall risk.  We will also briefly discuss proper way to get up from a fall if one should occur. Participants will leave with constructive ideas to reduce their fall risk and several great resources to print and share.

Details: As part of our commitment to community outreach and service, there is no charge for our presentation. We are able to present online via ZOOM or in-person (greater Charlotte, NC area once COVID restrictions have been lifted).  Our typical presentation is 45 minutes long,  with 15 min available for questions and answers. We can also customize our presentation to address specific needs as might be appropriate for a support group such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and more.

Scheduling: Group Leaders can schedule a community presentation by completing the “Contact Us” form below or by calling (704) 727-0696 to schedule directly.