Helpful Kitchen Aids for Disabilities

appetizer close up cucumber cuisine

By: Janet Ceraldi, OTR,CEAC    

Activities of daily living (ADL’s) such as bathing, grooming, dressing and cooking can become difficult when suffering from disabilities caused by injury, chronic disease, stroke or neurological disorders. Finding the right solution can require some research or even help from an occupational therapist.  The good news is there are resources to aid in finding equipment to help with preparing, cooking and serving food.   There are also kitchen gadgets that are helpful for low vision users.  In this month’s blog, the focus will be on a few examples of adaptive equipment for use in the kitchen. 

Kitchen gadgets comprise any tool or product that makes food preparation easier and safer to perform. While any individual can accomplish more by using the right kitchen gadget for the job, people who have lost sight, strength, and coordination due to illness, disability or aging absolutely require specially designed kitchen tools for safer and easier accessibility in the kitchen. 

Some of the problem issues people face are:

  • Pain and deformity from arthritis
  • Use of only one hand 
  • Weak grasp 
  • Tremor/ coordination 
  • Low vision 

This cutting board can stabilize vegetables or fruit for cutting if you only have the use of one hand. It can also be used to stabilize a bowl for one-handed stirring. 

A rocker knife can be used with the cutting board above to cut food with one hand. The food remains gathered together in the incurved cutting board while cutting is done by rocking the blade with a single hand.

If hands are painful or weak from arthritis or another condition, this cordless can opener can be the solution. 

Wider grip utensils can be used when grasp is weak or for deformities in the hands. If you are experiencing difficulties with tremors, as seen with neurological conditions like Parkinson’s Disease, utensils like above can be purchased weighted.  The weight  helps to decrease the tremor. 

This jar opener can be mounted under the cabinet. By securing lids of various sizes in place, it makes opening jars not as difficult. By focusing on only turning the jar, one can open it wiith one or both hands.

Measuring cups for low vision are available with increased font size and color contrast.

High power magnifier enlarges instructions and recipes into large print for easier reading.

The market has many innovations of adaptive kitchen aids designed to not only increase independence with kitchen ADL’s but to make them easier and safer for everyone,  especially those struggling with a disability. Hopefully this will help you to enjoy your time in the kitchen.  There are a wide variety of tools such as boards/mats for cutting, scissors, knives, slicers, choppers with angled handles, graters, weights and measures, holders and timers and more.  There are so many helpful devices available today, with enough investigation, you can find the right tool for you. If you you need additional guidance, an occupational therapist is a great place to get your specific needs and questions addressed.

Resources: >Independent Living Aids